Beyond the Veil

Hello, world.

It’s been so long since I’ve done this that I feel as if we’re on a first date, again.  Honestly, I’m a little nervous.  It’s been a while since we’ve spent any time together. Will you still like me?  Will I say something funny or interesting, and will you laugh?  Will we be able to regain that sense of mutual interest and connection?  Will you text me later and say you had a nice time?

I promise that if you do, I won’t wait another eight months to respond.  😉

The past eight months has flown by in a whirlwind of activity.   Work, kids, husband, friends, travel, work, kids, husband, work, family, work, PTA, kids and work.  It’s all been good, mostly.

My job, which I started nine months ago, has been going pretty well.  After six years as a stay home mom, I took a part-time position working for a music publishing company as a music coordinator and personal assistant.  It’s been fun.  We create and license orchestral music/sound design for movie trailers. I love music and movies, so it seemed like a good fit, although I have no previous experience in either industry.  As it turns out, my penchant (read OCD) for detail and organization lends itself nicely to the trailer music industry.  A lot of people ask me for examples of what we do.  Did any of you happen to see the debut trailer for The Last Jedi?  The epically moving, raise the hair on your arms music in that trailer just happens to be ours!  Yes, it was a BFD.  We celebrated the next morning after the release of the trailer with mimosas and French omelets.  Just in case you haven’t seen it…

Later, my daughter asked me, “Mom, what did YOU actually do to contribute to that movie trailer?”  I couldn’t tell if she was mocking me because she thinks I’m lame, or if she was looking for proof that I’m really as cool as I tell her I am.  So I was honest with her and said, “Not a damn thing.  My job is to do all the other stuff, so the people I work for can focus their time and talents on creating music for projects like this.”  I’m pretty sure she took that as validation of her initial assessment, which is that I’m lame.

Despite how well my job is going, I will admit that I’m still waiting for my lightening bolt.  For a long time I’ve had this sense that there’s something I’m supposed to be doing, yet I have no idea what it is.  It’s like there’s a thin veil hanging over my life, and I can’t quite see through it, but I know the answers I need are on the other side.  I’ve always envied people who understood their talents. People who have a clear vision of their path in life.  Some people know without hesitation what they are meant to do. Their talent and drive toward that goal manifests itself clearly for them.  For me that has never been the case.  Despite doing well in the career/jobs I’ve chosen, I’ve always struggled to fully grasp my sense of purpose, and after celebrating another birthday this past September, I feel a sense of urgency toward whatever self-discovery needs to take place in order to put myself on the right path.   I’m not afraid of hard work, I just want to realize what I’m supposed to be working toward so I can get on with it.  Is it too much to ask to wake up one morning with a hand written note beside my bed that reads,

Dear Wanda, 

You are destined to become a dolphin trainer.  Please make arrangements for whatever training is necessary to complete this task and file your application for employment at Sea World, as soon as possible.  

Your welcome,

The Universe

I think I would take a clue like that seriously.  I tried asking my kids what they think I’m good at.  Their answers are ridiculous but I love their honesty.  My son says stuff like, “You’re good at snuggles, Mommy.  And you make the best meatloaf.”  He also told me I was good at being a mommy, and he suggested I open up the baby factory and have another one so he could be a big brother.

So that’s where I’m at.  Attempting to support one company on it’s path to greatness while I strive to discover my own.  If any of you can relate, it would be awesome to hear about it.  And by the way, to those of you who reached out to check on me during my little blogging hiatus, I want you to know how much I genuinely appreciated that, so thank you!  🙂

My 1980 Fan Girl Celebrity Crush!

Hello, world!

I’ve been absent from the internet for a bit as too many other obligations and activities have been claiming my attention.  After this week I should have plenty of time to catch up on my reading, and I’m dying to see what’s been going on with all of you.  🙂

This past weekend was packed with so much grown-up fun, I barely survived it.  My husband has an incredible group of friends/fraternity brothers from college and this past weekend we celebrated two big events… one birthday and one wedding.  I was fortunate to get a babysitter for both occasions, so Dan and I got dressed up and partied like rock stars.  Sadly, it’s Monday and I’m still feeling the effects of the late nights and excessive cocktails.  Getting older is such hell.

For real.

For real.

Anyway, the fun part of this story (at least for me) took place at the wedding.  The bride and groom rented out a boutique hotel in the heart of Manhattan Beach for the event and it was one of the most beautiful weddings I’ve ever attended.  Now,  I’m not a person who gets star-struck.  Living in LA, that’s just part of the culture and environment, and thankfully, I could give two-shits about most celebrities.  They’re just people.  Nothing to get excited about.  Except……when one of my childhood crushes walks into the room.

Hart to Hart: Stefanie Powers and Robert Wagner  Image Source: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment

Hart to Hart: Stefanie Powers and Robert Wagner
Image Source: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment

As a kid I was in love with Peirce Brosnan from Remington Steele.  Eric Estrada from Chips.  Henry Winkler as The Fonz. Tom Sellack as Magnum P.I.  And…..Robert Wagner from Hart to Hart.  So, you can imagine my fan girl reaction when Robert Wagner and his gorgeous wife, Jill St. John walked into the wedding!!!!!!!!  A freaking Bond Girl walked into the wedding!!!!!!!!!!!  She starred in Diamonds are Forever (1971) with freaking Sean Connery!  AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!  (By the way, Sean Connery was in my top ten until he turned 80, but I still love him!)

He is dashing!

He is dashing!

So, I handled myself with all the dignity of a twelve year old at a One Direction concert.  I approached the groom (Dan’s dear friend and fraternity brother) and calmly told him that I would grant whatever favor he wanted if he could introduce me to Mr. Wagner and his wife without making me look like a complete asshole.  It turns out that the groom’s mother is a cousin of Jill St. John, and the groom arranged a most natural introduction by first introducing me to his mother who was seated next to Jill and Robert.  She then casually introduced me to her guests.  Then…..I ruined it by telling Mr. Wagner that I’ve had a crush on him since 1980 and that I basically begged  to be introduced to him.  Sigh.  I know, I am such an asshole.

She was absolutely lovely and still a very beautiful woman!

Jill St. John! She was absolutely lovely and still a very beautiful woman!

Thankfully, Mr. Wagner and his wife were gracious and friendly.  They exude that old Hollywood charm that is missing from so many of their younger peers today.   I interrupted their dinner, but they stopped eating to shake hands, exchange small talk and allowed me to take a picture with them.  Robert, or RJ as he asked me to call him, even made my husband take extra pictures to ensure they turned out.  He also thanked me for the nice compliment about having a crush on him for three and a half decades.  LOL!  I have several pictures, and unfortunately I can’t post any of them.   I have a strict policy of not posting pictures of other people on the internet without their permission.  I was not the only person in the photos, so I will respect the privacy of the other people involved.

So, as I continue to recover from the weekend and Google past Hart to Hart episodes on the internet, I would love to know if you have any ‘fan girl’ moments of your own.  😉

Wanda Says…The Versatile Blogging Award!

versatile-blogger-award-5[1]Most of you know that I LOVE blog awards!

So, I’m very flattered and happy to accept the nomination for the Versatile Blogger Award from two of my fellow bloggers.

The first nomination for this award was given to me by Tastehitch.  Andy’s blog is brilliant, and he happens to be the author of Being A Dad Is BrilliantHe writes a lot about fatherhood and parenting…you know, the glamorous life.  Check him out, or better yet, buy his book, and I promise you will not be disappointed!

The second nomination was given to me by Rob over at the V-Pub.  V-Pub is short for Virtual Pub, and Rob’s blog has a little bit of something for everyone.  He blogs about music, life and the occasional (or frequent) embarrassments that make the best happy hour stories.  Go check him out!

Thank you, to both Andy and Rob for the nominations!

Here is a list of rules to accept this award:

Show the award on your blog.

Thank the person who nominated you.

Share seven facts about yourself.

Nominate 15 blogs.

Link your nominees’ blogs, and let them know.

Seven Facts About Me:

imagesSAEPGYH91.  I’m a HUGE Star Wars fan.  I grew up wanting to be Princess Leia.  Soooo, one of the most memorable moments of my life happened like this…..I was sitting in an aisle seat at the Coliseum, watching a USC football game with my husband.  Dan is a Trojan.  George Lucas was at the game as alumni and to promote his latest film project.  As he was exiting the stadium, George Lucas walked right past me.  That man was five feet away from me, and for about ten seconds, as I watched him approach, I swear everything went into slow motion and I heard the Star Wars theme song in my head.  It was epic, and I will never forget it.  (And yes, his hair is incredible!)

wandtattoo-0465-388[1]2.  I’ve mentioned this before in my very first Wanda post ever, but I have a strict policy of only naming my pets after historical figures or literary characters.  Since my teen years I’ve had beloved pets who bore the names of Napoleon, Ulysses (S. Grant), Thor (Norse mythology’s god of thunder), Cain (biblical son of Adam & Eve), Psyche (Greek mythology’s goddess of the soul and wife of Eros), Scout (To Kill a Mockingbird), and Oliver (Oliver Twist).  Currently, my two cats are named Lucy and Linus, from of course, The Peanuts Gang.

3. There are a handful of movies that I am unable to pass over if I come across them on television.  They become a mandatory time suck and I am helpless to change the channel or be productive in any way until the movie is over.  Some of these movies include Stand By Me, The Goonies, Rocky, The Breakfast Club, Alien (and any of the sequels in this franchise), Star Wars, and any Tom Hanks movie, ever made.  I’m a huge Tom Hanks fan.  That’s a lot of time sucking.

Goonies Never Say Die!

Goonies Never Say Die!

4.  I can sing.  Or, I’ve been told that I can sing by others, but I choose not to sing in front of anyone other than my kids and our pets.  I get embarrassed and self-conscious and that just doesn’t feel good.  My husband says that if I wasn’t so self-conscious I could be a karaoke super star.  Isn’t that sweet?  Also, the only instrument I can play is an air guitar.  I totally rock that shit.  Particularly when playing anything AC/DC.

5. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Special Education and I spent twenty years of my career prior to becoming a stay home parent working with children and adults with special needs.  Over the course of those twenty years I’ve had jobs ranging from providing direct care, managing group homes, providing advocacy services, licensing and program coordination, to being an assistant director of a private family services agency.  I’ve cared for individuals with special needs in every capacity imaginable, and it is not work that just anybody can do.  I’m very proud of the people I was able to help over the course of my career, and I have days where I miss it terribly.

6.  One of my biggest regrets so far in life is not going back to school to pursue a Master’s Degree.  At this point in my life, it may still be an option, but since I feel I’ve moved on from my previous career and would like to embark on something new, I have no idea what I would go back to school for.  I’m still trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up.  Any suggestions?

chocolate chip cookies7.  I’m a good baker. I make a mean chocolate chip cookie.  Ask anyone who knows me.  I used to make cookies for my friend’s as their birthday presents, and they were thrilled to get them as their annual gift.  At one point my husband suggested I open a bakery business based on his love of my chocolate chip cookies.  No, I won’t share the recipe.  I spent about five years tweaking the recipe to get it juuuuuust right.  If I ever do open a bakery, I’ll call it “You’re Not the Boss of Me Bakery.”  Yeah, that name suits me well.

Now, I would like to nominate a few blogs in order to pass on the honor of this award. I know it says I have to nominate fifteen blogs, but I won’t just nominate for the sake of meeting a number requirement.  The blogs I nominate are…

1.  Carrie On, Y’all  (Carrie is hilarious!  I’ve actually snorted a beverage out of my nose while reading her blog.  She’s that good!)

2.  Kimboxin  (Kim is totally badass, and I love her writing and her perspective on life.  Her blog is honest, funny, and I find myself scrolling her blog to make sure I don’t miss anything she writes.)

3.  Peaches & Poppycock  (Kristin’s blog is funny, full of southern charm (she says y’all a lot) and she enjoys wine flavored ice cream!  How cool is that?!)

4.  The UnsimpleLife (Ray’s blog is amazing, but he’s currently not posting new material right now due to some recent life changes.  However, you should head over and read some of his stuff because he’s funny and insightful.)

5.  Floordeboor  (I love this blog because the brilliant woman behind it is sharing her personal journey with health and wellness.  She’s smart, gives good, solid advice and shares her recipes and tips for weight loss, workouts and just living healthy.  Check her out!)

If any of the blogs I nominated choose not to participate, it’s totally cool.  And perhaps you will enjoy some new traffic and followers based on the good things I said about you!

Have a great weekend, everyone, and thanks again for the award!