Wanda Says…Happy New Year World!

happy new yearHappy New Year World!!!!!!!!!

I love starting the new year with good intentions.  I love the idea that everyone gets a do over.  A chance to make better choices,  or form a plan that somehow allows you to improve your life in some way.   So it’s fitting that my first post of 2015 will be about my New Year’s resolutions.

I know what you’re thinking.  How trite.  How B-O-R-I-N-G.  So typical.  So many people make resolutions and never keep them, myself included.  But I love the act of evaluating my life and the events of the previous year to set my course for the future.  I love the act of making a conscious choice to stop fucking shit up.

I think the reason so many people fail at their goals for the year is that they set their expectations too high.  I am also guilty of this and I can recall with painful clarity the moments over the years when my resolution failures became inevitable.  That moment every January 2nd when I said to hell with it and ate the cookie, cake, dessert, wine, pizza or other fried, delicious thing that officially broke the diet I started that morning.  This year I endeavor to break the mold.  This year, my resolutions will be completely attainable.  Low hanging fruit, so to speak, but fruit, nonetheless.

d2454645cd67290377a08d4d2d6ab067[1]1.   This year I will start my diet…..again….right after I finish eating the Godiva chocolate basket my mother-in-law gave me for Christmas.  It’s Godiva.  I’m not sharing it with anyone.  It’s mine.  I’ll work on being thinner after that delicious goodness is gone.  (Notice how I didn’t say I would lose weight?  I just said I would start my diet again.  See?  Low hanging fruit).

2.  This year I will do less laundry.  Bryn is old enough to learn how to do her own laundry and it’s time she started pulling her weight around here.  One less basket of laundry for me to wash and fold for someone else is one less week of procrastination a month.  That’s huge progress for me.  I can already tell it’s going to be a fabulous year!

This cat can sew better than I can.

This cat can sew better than I can.

3.  This year I will learn how to sew.  Bryn asked for a sewing machine for Christmas and her grandmother got her one.  It’s a real sewing machine and I need to help her learn to use it.  We will take a sewing class together so that I can learn alongside her and help her if she runs into trouble when she starts using her machine.  This is a sacrifice on my part because I have absolutely no interest in sewing, whatsoever.  But I look at it this way…….when the zombie apocalypse happens, people will need clothes when theirs get all nasty and torn with zombie warfare shit all over them, and as long as I know how to sew and make clothes, people will want to help keep me alive.  It’s a survival skill.

But this is a more realistic outcome.

But this is a more realistic outcome.

4.  I will grow a real garden this spring and use the canning equipment my husband bought me two years ago that’s sat untouched in the garage.  I’ve had a budding interest in gardening and canning for some time, and God only knows why.  I can’t imagine a hobby that more clearly declares that I am officially a boring, old woman.   It must be my Midwestern genes kicking in because no matter how hard I fight it, my instinct is to embrace the domestic goddess within me.  My head says, “I just want to paint my nails, lose weight and go buy leather pants,” and my heart is all, “No, you need to grow vegetables in the dirt, can delicious, preservative-free food for your family and plan for your future!”  (Sigh).  I think the domestic goddess is winning, and last year I had some success growing tomatoes and zucchini in my container garden.  The canning process still intimidates me, but again, it’s a survival skill.   If I can learn to do this,  I will know how to grow and preserve food when all the restaurants and grocery stores have been looted in the apocalypse and there is no food to be found.


5.  I will drink more wine.  Wine is good.

I stole this picture from Facebook.

I stole this picture from Facebook.

6.  I will attempt to curse less.  Wait, what?  No, scratch that.  That won’t happen.


7.  When my husband loads the dishwasher in a way that makes my OCD crazy, I vow that I will not rearrange everything the way that I want it.  Unless he isn’t home.  Then I will totally rearrange the dishes so they fit perfectly together they way the puzzle making dishwasher basket designers intended.

8.  And lastly, this year I am officially breaking up with wheat, depression, family drama, Spanx, people who take themselves too seriously, and my bathroom scale.  🙂

Also, to those of you who follow my Wanda, I just want to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart.  The past five months of blogging has been more rewarding and fun than I could have imagined.  I have loved reading your blogs and learning about so many of your lives around the world.    I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!

14 thoughts on “Wanda Says…Happy New Year World!

  1. Happy New Year!

    Good luck with all those wonderful resolutions, that’s quite the list you have there! What you need is a buddy(ME) system for encouragement . Now how’s about you pass some of that fucking chocolate my way! 😉

    See, I just saved you a pound!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Curse less… Drink more wine… you so funny… I plan on tuning my cursing for maximum impact. Annnd also talking the wife into letting me get another dog (slightly more difficult)
    Happy onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2015 to you too Wanda.

    Liked by 1 person

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